Monday, June 25, 2012

Welcome, and Bienvenu

Before I introduce myself, I believe I will start this out with a cheesy quote:
"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a sing step."
So you may be asking yourself, what is this first blog post- this first step- leading to; what is your "journey of one thousand miles?"  Well, I'll tell you.

My name is Sean Clark.  I am a student in Humboldt State University in Arcata California. I am working to a double major in French & Francophone Studies and International Studies.  For both of these majors, there are many similar things that they both require, but one of the biggest things is that they both require me to study abroad, in a different country at a different school.  Catching on, aye?

This past Spring semester has had me filling out countless forms, talking to many people, and making big decisions which has all lead to my goal of studying abroad, which is happening this fall in no other place other than France.  This blog will be here to chronicle my experiences going abroad, recording what I will do, as well as to connecting me to people back home, to make sure I have not fallen to some tragedy while being a continent away.

 This August I will be flying over to Montpellier, France to go to school at Université Paul-Valerié, right in the cheart of the South of France.  The term "the South of France" seems so weird, exotic even.  People always imagine things when I tell them where I am going. Whenever people refer to "the South of France," it's always in spy movies or something, existing only as the rendezvous point where the main guy-spy goes to pick up his beautiful femme fatale spy-partner.

One person commented that I would be going from one of the "foggiest places on earth" (Arcata) to there.  Just saying "southern France" does not give it justice, after all, it gives no idea of how close I am to the coast, the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.   So "the South of France" will have to do, being that Montpellier is on the Coast- but it wouldn't have it any other way.

As far as I go, this will be my first time leaving the country, but far from my first time blogging, so I'll have at least one thing to keep me steady.  I'm sure you'll find out more about me along the course of this all.

So anyways, that's my journey.  I still have a while before I actually "set out," but I know I have some smaller journeys head of me before then, and I will surely keep this up to date about all of them.

A bientôt!


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